memerlukan pendapat anda!!!!!

salam kawan-kawan ku...
sekarang nie aq di dalam dilema..

1 Bachelor of Science (Hons) (Information Technology) - CS220
2 Bachelor of Science (Hons) (Statistics) - CS221
3 Bachelor of Science (Hons) (Actuarial Science) - CS222
4 Bachelor of Science (Hons) (Intelligent System) - CS223
5 Bachelor of Science (Hons) (Business Computing) - CS224
6 Bachelor of Science (Hons) (Data Communication & Networking) - CS225
7 Bachelor of Science (Hons) (Information System Engineering) - CS226
8 Bachelor of Science (Hons) (Computational Mathematics) - CS227
9 Bachelor of Science (Hons) (Management Mathematics) - CS228
10 Bachelor of Science (Hons) (Mathematics) - CS229
11 Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons) - CS230
12 Bachelor of Science (Hons) (Netcentric Computing) - CS231
13 Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons) (Multimedia Computing) - CS233

serious xtau nak pilih yang mana...
memerlukan pendapat anda semua...

deDunia beBlog =)

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